NAPBS is now PBSA!

Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA)
In order to provide our customers with the best possible resources for background screening and employment screening, we have joined the elite professional organization the National Association of Professional Background Screeners, or the NAPBS. The NAPBS is a professional organization that aims to provide background screening companies with resources and educational opportunities, as well as provide professionals involved in this industry with an opportunity to network with fellow background screeners.

NAPBS is a network consisting of more than 300 members, all of whom are in one way or another connected to the background screening industry. In order to classify the various members, the association has three professional groupings. The association is divided into regular members, affiliate members and associate members. Regular members are given voting rights within the organization, and are actual background screening agencies. Regular members must actually perform the employment screenings and background checks for their clients and customers. Affiliate membership is reserved for organizations and companies that provide support to regular members. This often includes legal firms, consulting agencies and insurance agencies. Sometimes, a human resources professional who has an interest in these screens is awarded affiliate membership. Associate members provide data support to regular members, and often include public record companies and technology companies.
The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) serves several different roles and works tirelessly throughout each year to attain these goals. Some of the main functions of this organization include promoting fair practice and ethics in the background screening industry, ensuring that all members comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, raising awareness about privacy rights of potential employees and tenants, advocating industry issues with local, state and national lawmakers and promoting education and discussion among the various members. As all of these goals and issues are important to us at Screening Intelligence, it only made sense for us to take the next step and become a regular member.
Screening Intelligence is now an active, regular member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners. This means that our company will be taking part in important industry decisions, consulting with our colleagues on how to improve the industry and learning first hand of the best new resources available for our clients. Our membership in this elite organization is another example of our commitment to continuous improvement in our accuracy, technology and turnaround times.