At Screening Intelligence employment background screening, we know how important it is to provide our customers with the latest technologies and advancements in the employment background screening industry.
We have found that there is no better way to do this than to get involved with the best industry professional organization, the National Association of Professional Background Screeners. This organization, also known as the NAPBS, provides educational opportunities and networking opportunities to companies involved in the background search industry.

Screening Intelligence screeners is a new active, regular member in this organization. This means that our company has voting rights within the organization, and has the opportunity to network with more than 300 other companies that are involved in our industry. As a regular member, we are joined by other employment background screening agencies. Affiliate and associate members are companies that provide us with support, such as legal firms, consulting groups, insurance agencies, public records distributors and data providers.
This is a unique opportunity for us, and we will now have the opportunity to receive first-hand the latest news about our industry. We will be able to attend the annual NAPBS conference which has several training sessions included in it, and we also will be heading to the mid-year meeting for an update on the industry. Monthly webinars will provide us with news and advancements, and will cover many different topics. All of this information will benefit our background screening customers directly, as we will use it to improve our services, response time and overall accuracy.
As an employment background screening company, we are thrilled to be a part of this elite professional organization. Legislative monitoring will allow us to stay informed of what is happening in our industry in Washington D.C. as well as across the local and state governments. We look forward to networking with our colleagues, learning the new tricks and tools of the trade and providing relevant information to our customers and clients. At Screening Intelligence screeners, our goal is to continuously improve the experience for our customers and now as a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), we will be able to provide regular employment background screening industry updates and improvements. This is the next best step for our employment screening company and for our customers.
Disclaimer Statement: All information presented is never intended as legal advice and is for information purposes only.
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